Charlene Viola
Charlene Enjoying Relaxing
with Her Two Sons
Im a single mom. Before I got involved with IHBN, I was a secretary earning $13.50 an hour and at the time I thought that was pretty good money. After my divorce, I realized I was not going to be able to support my family on my salary alone, but with the skills I had, I could not make much more than I was in my present job. I felt trapped and frustrated. Then, one day I answered an ad with the headline "Mothers and Others", and sent away for the informational package.
When I got the package, I sat down, and watched the video tape. It was so exciting, and seemed just what I was looking for that I could hardly get the audio tape on the player fast enough. This opportunity seemed like just what I was looking for. It gave me a way to make more than just a salary and stay home with my children. Even better, my income increases monthly try for that on your job! The biggest bonus for me is that I get to be a "stay at home" mom too!! This has been an incredible opportunity for me!
I have two boys: Michael who is 13 and David whos 16. The boys have been very supportive and extremely helpful to me in my business. We have gone out twice a week for over two years now and promoted this business together. I look at it as family time together, and we really make fun out of it. In fact, in the summer time, even their friends join in; then I take all of them out for ice cream on the way home. My sons are so familiar with the products themselves, they will make suggestions to their friends and their friends parents about the products, and without any conscious effort are increasing my income for me.
My IHBN business has shown my sons that if you work hard for something you want, you can be successful! This home business has not only increased our family income, but has also brought us closer together what more can a mom ask for!