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Delores Ihrig

A Proud Grandma Delores
with Her Four Grandchildren
For 20 of the last 24 years,
Ive been first a single mom, and then a single grandma. Four years ago, at age
64, I had been working a switchboard job bringing home only $150.00 a week for 7 years,
and hated every minute of it. I've had to work two jobs all those years and was
still always fighting the bill collectors. As I got older, I knew that I
couldnt keep up working two jobs. When a friend told me about this business, I
was thrilled that it was something that I could physically do by myself and from my home
at any age, and would also benefit others. I was so excited, yet I was also very
skeptical, because at my age I had to be careful that this was not some type of scam.
Now I don't have to work two jobs anymore
and I can work from my home. My income doubled and tripled what I used to earn
working two jobs, and now Im earning $3,000 - $4,000.00 a month!. It is so
pleasing that with the income from this work at home business, I've been able to do so
much more. I've been able to remodel and refurnish my home, as well as buy and do
many things Ive always wanted to. Best of all, now I have lots of time to
spend with my grandchildren. If youre a grandparent, you know how much that
means. And, Ive got the money to buy them those special things that mean so
much to them. This is exciting and fun and getting better all the time.