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Home Business

I.H.B.N. is a group of home-based business owners, established to give you the support necessary to attain success. Our members are affiliated with one of the largest companies in our industry.

This publicly held company did 1.7 billion dollars of sales in 1999 and operates in 43 countries. This gives you the capability of developing an international business, right from your own home.

 I.H.B.N. Training

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Through the use of audio and video tapes, as well as the largest private satellite system in the world, IHBN can train you in every aspect of your business. This training system will show you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step path to building your business. We will show you how to drive business in, with not only local advertising but other methods such as direct mail and the Internet. Through the use of our web site, IHBN members can also access several member-only services, such as online sales and training.

We've already developed the tools and methods necessary to easily build your home-based business. All you have to do is start.

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