
Diplom Eng. Maria Zlatareva
Patent Attorney & Licensed Appraiser



Official charges & attorney fees

Effective from September 1, 1997
        (in USD)   CHAPTER 1
   Patents for Inventions/Utility Models 
   1.     Filing a patent application                       450
   2.     Patent claims
          each subsequent claim over fifth claim            20/15
   3.     Use of convention priority (each priority)        50
   4.     Examination of an application
   a)     with one object                                   240/180
   b)     for each subsequent object                        120/90
   5.     Examination of a PCT application:
   a)     with one object                                   180/120
   b)     for each subsequent object                        90/60
   c)     for additional search                             130/90
   6.     Publication for the application                   40
   7.     Request for a precipitated publication
          of the application                                30
   8.     Introducing corrections to the specification
          and the claims, drawings and abstract at the
          applicant's request                               110
   9.     Issue of a patent                                 90
   10.    Patent publication
   a)     up to 10 pages                                    120
   b)     for each subsequent page                          10
   11.    Annuities per year
          extra fee for late payment within 6 months        +100%
   12.    Request for renewing a patent validity            600/300
   13.    Request for renewing of time limits               300/150
   14.    Procedure of an appeal against:
   a)     full or partial refusal to grant a patent         600
   b)     abatement of the procedure                        300
   c)     determined priority                               300
   d)     rejection to renew the patent validity            300
   15.    Request for declaring a granted patent invalid    600
   16.    Request for assigment or termination of
          a compulsory license                              600
   17.    International registration of Patent for
          Inventions/Utility Models
          (only basic attorney fees)                        600
   Industrial Design (ID)
   1.     Filing an ID application                          250
   2.     Examination of an ID application
   a)     for the main design                               150
   b)     for each variant                                  50
   3.     Examination of a complex ID application
   a)     for the main design                               350
   b)     for each variant                                  100
   4.     Use of convention or exhibition priority
          (each priority)                                   50
   5.     Introducing corrections to the specification
          and abstract for a main design and a variant
          thereof at the request of the applicant (each)    110
   6.     Introducing additional variants after
          filing the application (each)                     80
   7.     Publication and issue of an ID certificate        80
   8.     Request for cancellation of registred ID          300
   9.     Procedure of a request over infringement of ID    600
   10.    Appeal against rejection of an ID application     600
   Trade Marks (TM) and Service Marks (SM)
   1.     Filing a TM/SM application and registration
   a)     one class                                         300
   b)     each subsequent class                             30
   2.     Filing a collective TM/SM application
          and registration thereof
   a)     one class                                         500
   b)     each subsequent class                             50
   3.     Use of a convention or exhibition priority (each) 50
   4.     Rush TM/SM examination and registration           150
   5.     Publication and issue of certificate
          for registered trademark
   a)     one class                                         30
   b)     for each subsequent class                         10
   6.     Extension of the term of protection of a
          TM/SM and a publication for that
   a)     till expiration of the term of protection         300
   b)     up to 6 months after expiration of the term
          of protection                                     600
   7.     Extension of the term of protection
          of a collective TM/SM
   a)     till expiration of the term of protection
          and publication for that                          500
   b)     up to 6 months after expiration of the term
          of protection                                     1000
   8.     Request for restriction of the list of goods
          or services                                       90
   9.     Request for cancellation of a registered TM/SM    600
   10.    Request for cancellation of a TM/SM
          because of prior use                              600
   11.    Procedure of a request over infringement
          of rights of a registered trademark               1200
   12.    Procedure of an appeal against rejection
          of trademark registration                         600
   Appellation of Origin
   1.     Filing an application and registration            300
   2.     Publication and issue of a certificate
          for registration an appellation of origin
          or a new user                                     150
   3.     Application for cancellation of registered
          appellation of origin or a user                   600
   4.     Appeal against decision for rejection of a
          registration                                      600
   International registration of TM, SM, ID and
   Appellation of Origin
   (only attorney fees)
   1.     Application for international registration
          of TM/SM and an appellation of origin             600
   2.     Application for expanding the territory           300
   3.     Application for substitution of the national
          registration with international                   300
   New Plant Varieties and Animal Breeds,
   Securing an Authorized Agent
   1.     Filing a plant variety or an animal
          breed sertificate application                     300
   2.     Applying for priority                             50
   3.     Publication of an application                     50
   a)     for each additional figure                        20
   4.     Issue and publication of certificate              150
   5.     Publication for an already issued certificate     50
   a)     for each additional figure                        20
   6.     Annuities per year
          extra fee for late payment within 6 months        +100%
   7.     Procedure of
   a)     an appeal against a decision for abatement
          of the certificate granted procedure              300
   b)     an appeal against a decision for a refusing
          to grant a certificate                            300
   c)     request against invalidation of a certificate
          granted                                           600
   d)     an appeal against rejection to renew
          the certificate validity                          300
   8.     Request for renewing of time limits               300/150
   Agreements, Negotiations, Court Representation
   1.     Drafting of a license agreements   min            900
   2.     Drafting of a secrecy agreements   min            300
   3.     Representation during negotiations (per hour)     200
   4.     Representation at court and arbitration
          procedures min                                    600
   5.     Permanent represantation of the licensor or
     the licensee (per week)                                400
   Common Services
   1.     Extending the term for response at applicant's
   a)     first extension                                   90
   b)     second extension                                  270
   2.     Correction of technical errors committed by the
          applicant in the application, the request,
          the register and the defense document,
          respectively                                      80
   3.     Request for entry and publication of changes
          in the name and/or the address of the applicant,
          the holder, respectively                          80
   4.     Request for entry and publication for assigment
          of rights                                         300
   5.     Request for entry and publication for the
          entry of the license agreement                    300
   6.     Other changes in the legal status and
          publications thereof                              300
   7.     Issue of a duplicate of the protection document   100
   8.     Translation to Bulgarian (per 100 words)          10
   9.     Translation to a foreign language (per 100 words) 20
   10.    Extra fee for rush translations
   a)     by 10 days before the filing date                 + 50%
   b)     by 5 days before the filing date                  + 100%
   11.    Redrafting on specifications and claims(per page) 30
   12.    Searches (per hour according to the work done)
   13.    Appraisal of non-tangible assets
     (    per hour according to the work done)
   14.     Attornney fee per 1 hour                         120
   15.    Correspondence and mailing costs - covered at 100%
   1.     With regard to services not mentioned in the Tariff, the fees shall be
agreed on additionally

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